Master Class
By Invitation Only

The Coterie’s Master classes are by invitation-only. Students can be nominated to audition by their teachers from other Coterie Theatre School classes for either Acting Master or Comedy Master, or both. Once invited to be a Master Class member, students can continue to register until they graduate from high school, as long as they remain in good standing.
Master Class is a place for students to experience ongoing advanced theatre training. Students are surrounded by other young people and professionals who are passionate about theatre, and are excited about working together as an ensemble. Material for Master Class is more advanced and the content is more mature than what students might experience in their school theatre programs. Master Class members are often considered for Coterie mainstage productions and can be recommended to other professional theatres for casting opportunities.
Acting Master and Comedy Master are two separate programs with separate audition processes. The invitation a student receives is based on classes they have taken and skills they have demonstrated. If you are currently enrolled in one Master Class and are interested in pursuing both, talk to the Theatre School Director about what skills to work on and classes to take.
Master Class students possess a passion for the craft, self-discipline, talent, commitment, and a desire to work as an ensemble.
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FYI – An invitation to Acting Master applies ONLY to the Acting Master portion of the program. An Invitation to Comedy Master applies ONLY to the Comedy Master portion of the program.
Acting Master
Session 1: "Mastering Technique"
Continue strengthening your craft by experiencing acting exercises to sharpen techniques of character development and hone your skills using the tools of an actor: body, voice, and imagination. This class is a necessary foundation for artists to challenge themselves as they build upon lessons from previous years. Each class will take you through vocal warm-ups and movement exercises as you learn text analysis skills that will prepare you for future roles.
Dates: Sundays, September 8 – October 13, 2024
Times: 1:00-3:00 pm, 3:30-5:30 pm, or 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Midtown
Class Fee: $145
Registration link for 2024-2025 Master Classes will be sent out to families mid-August.
Session 2: "Exploring Methodologies"
Join us for a unique acting challenge, sure to push even the most experienced thespians! In this session we introduce students to a specific acting methodology, giving actors a chance to dive into material often not exposed to until the collegiate level.
Dates: Sundays, October 20 – December 8, 2024 (no class Dec 1 for Thanksgiving weekend)
Times: 1:00-3:00 pm, 3:30-5:30 pm, or 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Midtown
Class Fee: $170
Session 3: "Showcase Rehearsal"
This session will be a chance for you to apply your work from the previous two sessions to monologue or small group scenes. You will be pushed to work deeply on a script, chosen specifically for this class, to challenge even the most experienced actors. The session will culminate with a Showcase of all scenes performed on The Coterie’s stage. Students registered for this session are required to attend their final dress on March 30th starting at 4pm.
Session 1 or Session 2 is a prerequisite to register for Showcase.
Dates: Sundays, January 5 – March 9, 2025 (March 16 & 23 reserved for rescheduled classes)
Showcase: Sunday, March 30; performance at 7 pm, actors at 4 pm
Times: 1:00-3:00 pm, 3:30-5:30 pm, or 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Midtown
Class Fee: $220
Comedy Master
Session 1: "Sketch Comedy"
Start off your year right with writing sketches with your fellow Comedy Masters! We will learn about story and joke structure, helping create solid sketches. Students will work in small groups to write and perform sketches, give feedback to your classmates, and work on revisions. This is a fun challenge for Comedy Masters old and new!
Dates: Sundays, September 8 – October 13, 2024
Times: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Midtown
Class Fee: $145
Registration link for 2024-2025 Master Classes will be sent out to families mid-August.
Session 2: "Short Form Improv"
Build on skills from Session 1 in spontaneity, scene improvisations, and comic timing through work on improv. The ensemble will be challenged to explore short form improv, challenging you to jump into scenes and create characters quickly and effectively.
Dates: Sundays, October 20 – December 8, 2024 (no class Dec 1 for Thanksgiving weekend)
Times: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Midtown
Class Fee: $170
Session 3: "Long Form Improv"
Now it is time to take on the ultimate improv challenge: Long Form! Long form weaves stories in and out of each other, both exciting and demanding for even seasoned improvisers. Our work will culminate in a Showcase on Sunday, March 30 for friends and family, sharing improv games, stand-up, and sketches from the entire year.
Session 1 or Session 2 is a prerequisite to register for Session 3.
Dates: Sundays, January 5 – March 9, 2025 (March 16 & 23 reserved for rescheduled classes)
Showcase: Sunday, March 30; performance at 7 pm, actors at 4 pm
Times: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Midtown
Class Fee: $220
Master Class Frequently Asked Questions
Student Expectations
In order to keep Master Class Member status, students must adhere to the following expectations. Failure to do so will result in a review of Master Class status by the class instructor and the Theatre School Director.
Regular attendance during enrolled sessions is required. If a student needs an excused absence, contact your instructor in advance. After two excused absences during a registered session, status as a Master Class member will be reviewed. Unexcused absences will result in immediate review of the student’s status.
It is expected that Master Class students follow through on homework assignments which may include, but is not limited to: character research, memorization, bringing class materials (notebook, pencil, water, scripts, planner, etc.) as instructed.
Dressed appropriately to move: no flips flops, hair pulled back from the face, etc.
Time Management
An actor must be on time and know how much their schedule can handle. Please practice good time management skills such as:
- Have homework done before class so you can maintain regular attendance
- Keep a schedule of commitments such as rehearsals, school classes, and family obligations, and bring them to class
Personal Discipline
Exercise personal discipline both in and out of class.
- Follow Coterie rules of respect and participation
- Be prepared for class
- Focus during exercises (you can still be silly and focus)
- Cell phone off and put away during class
- Actively listening
- Ability to process feedback
Master Class Registration
Acting vs. Comedy Masters
Acting Master and Comedy Master are two separate programs with separate audition processes. The invitation a student receives is based on classes they have taken and skills they have demonstrated. If you are currently enrolled in one Master Class and are interested in pursuing both, talk to Theatre School Director about what skills to work on and classes to take.
Registration link will be sent to Master Class families directly. You can register through the link before the first day of the session. Any registration questions can be sent to Class Registrar, Stephanie Laaker at
The Coterie accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, check and cash. Payment is required in full at the time of registration.
Refund Policy
The Coterie will provide a full refund if given notice two weeks before the first day of class. The Coterie reserves the right to cancel classes that do not have an enrollment of 6 or more students one week prior to the first class.
Class Size
We strive to keep classes small enough that all students are able to participate and learn.
Severe Weather
In case of inclement weather, the education department will alert families via email and text no later than 2 hours prior to your class start time. If there is any question, call Allison Nissley at (816) 474-6801 or Stephanie Laaker at (816) 994-8832.
Information will be emailed two weeks prior to the start of class. This information will provide class time, location, teacher name, things to bring, and more.